My life should be easy
I can't speak to aggressive people.
People will think I don't have any opinions because I won't be able to speak up.
People will think I'm boring.
I can't face these people.
People must be thinking what is wrong with me
If I disagree with people they'll think I am too confrontational.
I don't want to go - people won't like me.
I'm so odd.
People won't like me because I won't have anything to say.
I am such an uninteresting person.
I am going to make a fool of myself.
Other people will think I have something to hide.
People will think I can't speak English.
Other people should be polite
I should look great all the time
I should be doing and achieving more than I am
I should always be positive, bright and cheerful
I should be married, or in a committed relationship
I should have grown up in a "perfect" family environment
I should be a "perfect" parent
I should be working
I should be making lots of money
I should always say "yes" to requests from others
I should never be afraid or insecure
I should always look good in other people's eyes
Everyone will see that I am anxious.
I should be witty, interesting and fun to be with
I'll never be successful.
I'm not good enough in my job.
It is my fault - I should be able to control my anxiety.
I'm a weak person.
People don't really like me, people are just being nice.
I will panic or freak out.
I will be the center of attention.
I am incompetent.
I am unlovable.
I should be as smart as the cleverest people I know
I will not be able to articulate what I need to say.
People will doubt my ability.
I'm stupid.
Other people will see through my pretence and see that I am not very smart.
I'll never be as good as other people.
I am more defective than other people.
I'm hopeless.
I'm useless at work.
People will think I'm incompetent.
Everyone will think I'm an idiot.
I can't speak to authority figures.
People will think I'm strange.
No one would want to have a relationship with me.
I won't be able to think clearly and will freeze.

I must have love and approval before I can feel good about myself
I am basically defective and inferior to other people
The world should always be the way I want it to be
I am not good enough
I'll never amount to anything
Nobody loves me
I must always try to be perfect
I am a loser
I must always please people and live up to everyone's expectations
It is terrible when things don't go how I want
I should be doing and achieving more than I am
I should always look good in other people's eyes

I need X to cope with life's stress
X helps me
I am not addicted, it is just a habit
I can't have as much fun without it
I drink for the taste
I need X to feel confident
X helps me deal with anxiety
Life is boring without X
X helps me loosen up and have better sex
I need X to relieve stress and anxiety
Using X is critical to my social life
I need "X" to fit in